Duty of Care: Are you ignoring the rear view mirror?

Travel has rebounded, but are organisations being caught out by not looking in the rear view mirror?

The travel experience has changed, not only due to pandemics, current conflicts and political unrest, but staffing shortages across the board, making the whole travel experience tough.

In this important discussion we talk through your 2023 travel risk programme musts to support your travellers health, safety and wellbeing and meet your duty of care and legal requirements.

The other elements of ESG: it is not just about ‘E’

It is now almost 20 years since the term ESG – standing for environmental, social and corporate governance – was first coined and it has now grown from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by the United Nations into a global phenomenon.

ESG is an umbrella term that refers to frameworks designed to be integrated into an organisation’s strategy to create enterprise value by expanding the organisations objectives to include the identification, assessment and management of sustainability-related risks and opportunities in respect to all organisational stakeholders (including but not limited to customers, suppliers and employees) and the environment.

However, the focus to date and has more heavily fallen on the first letter of the acronym, but there is much more to delivering on ESG promises than solely looking at the environment, even if that is a worthy cause. Businesses need to ensure that in the fog of environmental strategies that they are not forgetting about social and corporate governance initiatives.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of international private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically oriented practices.

CSR is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing CSR, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.

CSR helps both improve various aspects of society as well as promote a positive brand image of companies. But how can the corporate travel industry ensure it meets each of the elements of ESG?

The Metaverse: The future of travel?

Did you know that the global metaverse market size was AUD47 Bn in 2022 and is predicted to grow 39% yearly to AUD678 Bn by 2030?

In ‘The Metaverse – The Future of Travel?’ you will:

Learn what the metaverse is

Identify opportunities for the travel industry

Understand how to prepare your business for the future of travel

Industry Leaders Overview: The essential checklist for a successful return to travel

As corporates look to begin travelling again, the landscape of the industry looks very different to what it did pre-pandemic. The traveller journey itself is more complex and companies with a mobile workforce have new standards to meet for traveller duty of care and a different set of criteria to address when it comes to risk management.

In this important discussion, we bring together industry leaders to help travel managers navigate the post-pandemic travel landscape.

The new traveller journey – what does it involve and how are TMCs supporting clients?

What’s at stake for companies with a mobile workforce when it comes to duty of care and risk management?

What role does the TMC have in a post-pandemic world?

What role will innovation and technology have on the future of corporate travel?

How are companies pivoting towards carbon neutrality?

What are the toolkits that travel managers will need to be successful to measure and report on carbon footprints and reduce the overall impact of travel on the environment?

Corporate Travel Community Welcome & Outlook

The global and regional outlook for corporate travel is extremely challenging. Hear the latest trends and analysis from our expert presenter.


  • CTC – Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Dr Benson Tang

CAPA Live is the most sought-after monthly global aviation event. Taking place on the second Wednesday of each month, thousands of industry colleagues from across the globe tune in for their monthly dose of aviation and travel news, analysis, and in-depth interviews with industry leaders. Register here to be part of our growing community.

CTC Masterclass ISO Standard: 31030 – Travel Risk Management

ISO 31030 is fast becoming the new global benchmark for travel risk management, designed to assist organisations make important decisions to support employees. Developed by a global community of experts, the guidelines will cover all aspects of corporate travel including authorisations, planning, policy, traveller assessment, transportation, destination, accommodation and much more.

The guidance has created a “best practise” that can be applied to a full range of organisational contexts, travel requirements, threat and risk environments or risk appetites. In this discussion we hear from industry experts to help sort through the vast inclusions and practises.


  • CTC – Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang 
  • Collinson Group, President – Asia Pacific, Todd Handcock 
  • Global Secure Accreditation, Executive Director and Founder, Bob Quick 

CAPA Live is the most sought-after monthly global aviation event. Taking place on the second Wednesday of each month, thousands of industry colleagues from across the globe tune in for their monthly dose of aviation and travel news, analysis, and in-depth interviews with industry leaders. Register here to be part of our growing community.