Bring Cost-Efficiency & Transparency To Your Meeting And Group Bookings In A Strategic Way

Up until now, travel & meetings were viewed through different lenses in most companies. In the landscape of the future, what does an optimal program structure look like? What competitive advantage do organizations gain either in the supplier market or in their own by creating a holistic strategy? This session aims to impart the benefits regarding increased savings and improved productivity. If you are interested in learning about the value of implementing a strategic meetings management program, join our session.

HRS Australia, Key Account Manager, Chris Day 

Four Reasons Why Travel Should Partner With Human Resources

Brought to you by BCD

The travel manager’s role continues to evolve. Today’s realities place less emphasis on procurement and instead a more holistic approach to travel management. Corporate travel is becoming more aligned with Human Resources, particularly with personnel well-being and productivity. Learn how travel managers can deploy their data in support of recruitment and controlling employee attrition rates

BCD Travel, HR Director – Australia, Maya Wannan

“Flight Shaming” And Government Taxes. What Are The Implications For Corporate Travel?

In Europe the enormous publicity attracted by a sixteen year old Swedish girl has rattled the airline industry and is prompting government talk of aviation taxes to reduce flying.

  • Will our region go through the same turmoil? 
  • Will there be a similar, Europop revolution? 
  • How will governments respond? 
  • When will airlines make carbon offsets mandatory?

The answers to these questions will be critical to aviation and to how corporates function in the near and medium term future.

Session Provocateur: CAPA – Centre for Aviation, Chairman Emeritus, Peter Harbison

Moderator: CAPA – Centre for Aviation, Chairman Emeritus, Peter Harbison

  • ACCOR, Director of Sales Performance – Business Partners, Pacific, Elizabeth Georgopoulos
  • City of Sydney, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, Kate Read
  • FCM Travel Solutions, Director Global Sales & Strategic University Partnerships, Jamison Warren
  • AI & Bot Strategist, Customer Experience Futurist & Entrepreneur, Catriona Wallace

Hotel Sourcing: Best Practice For Mutual Success

Is your hotel program delivering the right results?

Is your Sourcing strategy keeping pace with changes in the global accommodation market?

Are you actually getting the rates you negotiated?

Join us to find out how the power combination of data and technology can help drive sustainable value to your organisation year after year.

HRS Australia, Managing Director, Ana Pedersen

The Future: Human + Tech. Who Gets The Upper Hand?

Terminator or Westworld – where will AI take us? Probably both and somewhere in between according to Dr Catriona Wallace, AI expert and founder of listed Artificial Intelligence company Flamingo AI.

Catriona advises the world’s leading companies on AI strategy, the Future of Work, AI Ethics and Human Rights and how to prepare for the incredible transformation that AI will bring.

Based between the US and Australia, with a PhD in Organizational Behaviour – Technology Substituting for Human Leaders, Catriona is one of the world’s most cited commentators on Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience and Entrepreneurship.

Catriona has been recognised as one of the most influential women in business and entrepreneurship and Advance Global has awarded Catriona with their top Technology Innovation Award for Australians working abroad.

In honour of her work in the technology field, Catriona was recently inducted into the Royal Institution, recognising her as a pre-eminent scientist (2019).

Catriona is also a philanthropist, human rights activist and mother of five.

Please welcome Dr Catriona Wallace.

NDC Workshop – Looking Forward, A Guide For Experts

Consider yourself an NDC Expert? The NDC topic has been one that has dominated discussions all around the world. Key parts of the corporate travel industry are now ready to look forward and delve further into the real impact of this important capability.

  • What will NDC look like in five years?
  • Is this complex commercial and technological distribution landscape sustainable?
  • How are business models evolving in response?

Session Provocateur: ATPI, Commercial Head for Global Corporate Business, Julian Mills

Moderator: ATPI, Commercial Head for Global Corporate Business, Julian Mills

  • CTM, Global Head of Partnerships, Scott Ward
  • Qantas, Global Manager – Distribution Strategy & Channel Development, Anthony Collins
  • Serko, Chief Strategy Officer, Bob Shaw
  • University of Sydney, Travel and Expense Manager, Penny Meakes

“Flight Shaming” And Government Taxes. What Are The Implications For Corporate Travel?

In Europe the enormous publicity attracted by a sixteen year old Swedish girl has rattled the airline industry and is prompting government talk of aviation taxes to reduce flying.

  • Will our region go through the same turmoil? 
  • Will there be a similar, Europop revolution? 
  • How will governments respond? 
  • When will airlines make carbon offsets mandatory?

The answers to these questions will be critical to aviation and to how corporates function in the near and medium term future.

Session Provocateur: CAPA – Centre for Aviation, Chairman Emeritus, Peter Harbison

CTC-CAPA Corporate Travel Gathering Australia 2019 Highlights

The CTC-CAPA Corporate Travel Gathering – Australia took place in November 2019 with the purpose of providing corporate travel buyers with strategic and operational skills to create a traveller centric programme. Managed Travel is rapidly evolving and successful travel programmes and providers will need to adapt to change, rather than seeking to simply manage/control it, or seek to avoid it.

The conference began with big picture keynotes on the key influencers impacting the industry including aviation, demographics and economics. Through a combination of keynotes, rapid fire presentations, interviews, panels, debates and masterclasses corporate travel buyers were guided to become successful leaders of their travel programme.

This is a must attend for those seeking to learn from, network and collaborate with today’s travel industry leaders! Our fantastic line up of speakers will ensure you leave each event armed with the latest knowledge, solutions and data to help you create value for your travel programmes.