Networking Photos
Many thanks for your participation in the CTC Shanghai Corporate Travel Summit, hosted in Shanghai, 26th October 2023.
We trust it was a valuable experience and you gained
some fresh insights and contacts.
A selection of presentations*, photos and other resources are available for your download.
*Please note that not all speaker presentations are available for download
only those who have given us permission to publish their presentations are available.
For specific photo requests, please send an email to: [email protected]
CTC's upcoming 2023 events include:
CTC @ CAPA Asia Aviation Summit & Sustainability Awards | 2-Nov-2023 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
CTC Sydney Corporate Travel Summit & Awards 2023 | 23/24-Nov-2023 | Sydney, Australia |
For more information on these events, please visit: https://corporatetravelcommunity.com/events
If there is anything we can assist you with in the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact CTC Events: [email protected]
With Thanks to our Strategic Partners:

Thursday 26 October 2023 |
08:30- 09:30 |
Registration, Networking & Coffee |
09:30- 09:35 |
Chairperson’s Welcome 峰会主席致欢迎辞 Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang 商旅网络, 执行董事, 邓秉森 |
09:35- 09:50 |
CTC Outlook: State of the Corporate Travel Industry 商旅行业现状 Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang
商旅网络, 执行董事, 邓秉森 |
09:50- 10:10 |
Global Economic Outlook Keynote: Overview of economy and the implications to the recovery of travel industry 经济概况及其对旅游业复苏的影响 The speaker will illustrate the strategic overview of the economy and its impact on the recovery of the corporate travel industry. 讲者将阐述经济的战略概述及其对商旅行业复苏的影响 Renowned Individual Investor, Joyce Xu |
10:10- 10:55 |
CTC Think Tank: A meeting of the minds In 2022, it was clear that while corporations are travelling again, the landscape of the industry looks very different to what it did pre-pandemic. From planning to return, the travel journey has become more complex. With an increasingly mobile workforce, companies need to meet new standards for duty of care and address changing sets of criteria when it comes to risk and cost management. In this important discussion, we bring together industry leaders to help travel managers navigate the post-pandemic travel landscape.
商旅网络智库:差旅经理分享会 2022 年,很明显,虽然企业员工再次开始出差,但行业的格局看起来与新冠肺炎大流行前大不相同。从计划到返回,出差旅程变得更加复杂。随着员工流动的增加,公司需要满足新的义务标准,并在风险和成本管理方面应对不断的变化。 Moderator: Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang 商旅网络, 执行董事, 邓秉森 Panel: MSD, Associate Director, Hamish Wang FCM, General Manager, China & Hong Kong, Calvin Xie Alibaba Group, Travel Category Manager – Corporate Procurement, Jie Li |
10:55- 11:30 |
Coffee Break & Networking |
11:30- 12:00 |
Greater Bay Area Travel Business Opportunity Update 大湾区商旅机遇宣讲会
Panel: Camloy International, Managing Director, Nixon Chung Regal Hongkong Hotel, Manager – Sales & Marketing, Judy Kwan |
12:00- 12:40 |
China reopens: Prospects for the recovery of the world’s largest corporate travel market China was a key player in the corporate travel landscape in 2019, but its ‘zero COVID’ approach meant the market was almost totally closed off to international travel from early 2020 to the start of 2023. With China’s COVID-19 policies restricting international travel now being jettisoned, the industry is still trying to understand the prospects for the return of major international travel to/from China. On top of international travel, speakers will share their views on the recovery of domestic travel.
中国重新开放:全球最大的商务出行市场复苏前景 中国是 2019 年商务旅行领域的关键参与者,但其“零 COVID”方法意味着从 2020 年初到 2023 年初,市场几乎完全禁止国际旅行。随着中国限制国际出行的政策改变,行业仍在努力了解差旅出行的前景。除了国际旅行之外,演讲嘉宾还将分享他们对国内旅行复苏的看法。 Moderator: Dragon Trail, General Manager, Edward Chen Panel: Shanghai Tourism Trade Association, Secretary General, Ling Jin BCD Travel China, Senior Director Operations, Greater China, William Tang |
12:40- 12:45 |
The CTC Corporate Branches Masterclass an introduction A selection of masterclasses designed to educate and inform the industry on the entire corporate travel ecosystem. In these sessions, we bring together key experts to explore the specific issues facing corporate travel managers and the wider industry. CTC大师班简介 一系列大师班,旨在教育和告知行业整个商务差旅生态系统。在这些会议中,我们汇集了主要专家,探讨企业差旅经理和更广泛行业面临的具体问题。 Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang 商旅网络, 执行董事, 邓秉森 |
12:45- 13:15 |
CTC Accommodation Branch Masterclass – Fireside Chat CTC住宿业大师班 Youli Consulting, Founder, Li Lei BWH Hotel Group, Assistant Director of Sales (China) Mark Xu Accor, Senior Director Commercial, Ted Sun |
13:15- 14:15 |
Lunch Break & Networking |
14:15- 14:35
Update of Aviation Market Trends 航空市场趋势展望 Aviation Week Network, General Manager, China, Charlie Che 航空周刊, 总经理 大中华区, 车轩 |
14:35- 15:15 |
CTC Aviation Branch Masterclass
CTC航空业大师班 • 航空公司正在采取哪些措施来改善旅客体验? • 航空公司在与买家的供应商关系讨论中寻找什么? • COVID-19 对航空业务有何影响? • 在后疫情时代,航空公司利用了哪些新技术? • 航空公司如何重视与行业供应商的关系? Moderator: Aviation Week Network, General Manager, China, Charlie Che Panel: Turkish Airlines, Corporate Sales Manager, Osman Yurttadur Fiji Airways, Regional General Manager Asia, Maxine Peng Li & Li LLC, Executive Director, Jason Li |
15:15 – 15:45 |
CTC Technology Branch Masterclass The travel and tourism industry has been among the early adopters of digital transformation, but technology, processes and standards are continuing to evolve. For businesses, digital adaptation is not optional but rather an indispensable condition to continue being competitive and respond to the continuously growing consumers’ demands. This workshop will discuss processes to help buyers understand what they should look out for with technology partners, look at how buyers can truly integrate into their technology partners, and question if technology is the answer to all the buyers’ problems.
CTC科技领域大师班 差旅业一直是数字化转型的早期采用者之一,但技术、流程和标准仍在不断发展。对于企业来说,数字适应不是可有可无的,而是保持竞争力和响应不断增长的差旅消费者需求的不可或缺条件。 本次研讨会将讨论流程,以帮助买家了解他们应该与技术合作伙伴一起注意什么,看看买家如何真正融入他们的技术合作伙伴。 • 有哪些选择可以提高旅行预订流程的效率? • 技术如何帮助改善旅行者体验? Keynote: BL5 Technology, Co-Founder, Kimi Jiang |
15:45- 16:15 |
Coffee break & Networking |
16:15- 16:25 |
CTC Corporate Wellness Branch 创新领域路演 Spring City Resort, General Manager, Mervin Ho Corporate Wellness – Balancing Sustainability and Performance Wellbeing and wellness is anchored on Mindset and Habits.
16:25- 17:05 |
CTC Sustainability Branch Masterclass Sustainability has become a corporate travel priority, but increased costs, limited data and lack of transparent information still present barriers to making business travel more sustainable. Collaboration will be critical to supporting an enhanced corporate travel policy for travel buyers. As travel continues its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, corporations are refocusing on their green agendas. A majority believe sustainability will be either a ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ priority in the next 12 months, while many have become more focused on the sustainability objectives of their corporate travel programme. In this discussion, we look to the community to provide examples of best practices in developing environmental sustainability initiatives, and ask/review:
CTC可持续发展大师班 可持续性已成为商务出行的优先事项,但成本增加、数据有限和缺乏透明信息仍然是使商务出行更具可持续性的障碍。合作对于商旅购买者制定强化的商务旅行政策至关重要。 随着商旅从 COVID-19 大流行中复苏,企业正在重新关注其绿色议程。大多数人认为,在未来12个月中,可持续发展将是“中等”或“高度”的优先事项,而许多人则更加关注其商务出行计划的可持续发展目标。 在本次讨论中,演讲嘉宾会提供制定环境可持续性计划的最佳实践示例:
Moderator: Corporate Travel Community, Executive Director, Benson Tang Panel: