The CTC Environmental Sustainability Awards

Championing Environmental Excellence

CTC Corporate Travel Awards for Excellence

The CTC Awards for Excellence recognise corporate travel programs and industry support functions who illustrate multiple levers to drive progress across important environmental, social, and governance issues, as well show leadership in driving the industry forward. This can include how they manage their own business operations, the solutions provided to their customers, and collective efforts to accelerate industry transformation.

The awards will be presented in two formats and at two important milestone events in June and November:

  • CTC Asia Environmental Awards for Excellence @ the CTC Singapore Corporate Travel Summit on 27 June 2023
  • CTC Australia Pacific Awards for Excellence @ the CTC Sydney Corporate Travel Summit & Awards on 23-24 November 2023

CTC Asia Environmental Awards for Excellence

In 2022 CTC launched its inaugural Environmental Sustainability Awards to coincide with the release of the CAPA Envest Global Airline Sustainability Benchmarking Report, which is the world’s most effective evaluation of airline carbon emissions.

In 2023 the awards return to recognise sustainability leaders in the industry.

Nomination Process:

Winners will be selected from nominated businesses, as well as a select group determined by CTC’s independent judging panel.

Nominations for the Singapore edition of the Awards close on 31-May-2023.

For more information and to nominate your business, please contact CTC Content & Marketing Director Marco Navarria at [email protected]

CTC Australia Pacific Awards for Excellence

About the CTC Australia Pacific Awards for Excellence

The CTC Australia Pacific Awards for Excellence recognise corporate travel programs and industry support functions who illustrate multiple levers to drive progress across important environmental, social, and governance issues, as well show leadership in driving the industry forward. This can include how they manage their own business operations, the solutions provided to their customers, and collective efforts to accelerate industry transformation.

Available Categories:

  • CTC ESG Travel Program of the Year
  • CTC ESG Industry Supplier of the Year
  • CTC Travel Program of the Year
  • CTC Industry Supplier of the Year


Winners will be selected from nominated businesses in two ways:

  • ESG categories will be determined by a select group of CTC’s independent judging panel, consisting of CTC analysts, external CTC ambassadors and industry experts.
  • Remaining categories will be determined by an industry wide voting system throughout October 2023.


  • Nominations for the CTC Australia Pacific Awards for Excellence close on 15-Sept-2023.
  • To nominate your business, please contact CTC Content & Marketing Director, Marco Navarria at [email protected]. Registration should include the sending of a 2-4 page document highlighting how the program/business has been a leader in the last 12 months.
  • During Oct-2023, CTC will distribute an industry wide survey requesting votes for each of the two categories mentioned about (Travel Program & Industry Supplier).
  • Winners of all four categories will be announced at the CTC Corporate Travel Summit in Sydney on 23-Nov-2023.