DRV: 19% of companies implementing binding business travel guidelines to reduce emissions

23 August, 2023

German Travel Association (DRV), via its annual 'Chefsache Business Travel' study, reported (23-Aug-2023) the following highlights, in regards to the environmental considerations by German business travel decision makers, from over 150 companies:

  • 89% of companies already implement incentives to promote sustainable behaviour in the workforce;
  • Providing an electric car is the most popular incentive, with 47% of companies providing this offer, while a further 37% cover the costs for a rail card;
  • 20% promotes sustainable behaviour through a CO2 budget for every employee, defining an emissions ceiling for business trips within a period of time;
  • 33% support the combination of business trips with private holidays, to reduce employee CO2 emissions. A further 31% have introduced bonus programmes that reward climate friendly business trips;
  • In addition to incentives, 97% of companies also implement measures that reduce the carbon footprint of business trips, however only 19% have a binding travel policy in which corresponding requirements for reducing emissions are outlined;
  • 50% acquire Scope 3 CO2 reduction certificates to compensate for business trip emissions;
  • 35% opt for other means of transport over air travel "when it makes sense", such as for domestic business trips or those close to the border. 24% always choose train travel over air or car travel. [more - original PR - German]